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Luke De-Sciscio - Papa | Various Small Flames | "De-Sciscio’s trademark reverence for human feeling" | online | 2/2/24

Luke De-Sciscio - Clever Ghost | Ear To The Ground | "one of the top singer songwriters alive today" | online | 2/2/24

WORRYWORRY - WAW | Iggy Magazine | "deep emotion and genuine vulnerability" | online | 28/1/24

Luke De-Sciscio - Heaven | Where The Music Meets | "madly devotional authenticity" | online | 26/1/24

Fela Dakota - Pour Your Soul | Various Small Flames | "romantic grace and tortured fervour" | online | 15/1/24

WORRYWORRY - WAW | The Sound Sniffer | "contender for our album of the year"  | online | 6/1/24
Luke De-Sciscio - Heaven | Direct Actu | "an intense and captivating encounter" | online | 26/12/23

Luke De-Sciscio - Heaven | Indie Boulevard | "a magical whisper in boundless expanses" | online | 24/12/23

Luke De-Sciscio - Heaven | We All Want Someone To Shout For | "eerie and emotionally devastating" | online | 19/12/23

Luke De-Sciscio - Heaven | Faeton Music Blog | "haunting and beautiful" | online | 16/12/23

Luke De-Sciscio - Heaven | Various Small Flames | "songs as an act of veneration" | online | 1/9/23

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